The moment fifteen-year-old surfer, Sophia Anderson, catches the biggest wave of her life, she knows something weird has happened. The wave engulfs her in its massive, endless tube and transports her onto a tropical island paradise in another world. She thinks she must be dreaming. But when she encounters Truson, the lord of all worlds, and meets Norie, an amphibious girl from the dying water-world, Sycar, she realizes she has never been more awake in her life.
Truson sends the girls on a mission to Sycar. It is as much fun as it is dangerous. To accomplish the task, Truson gives them the power to transform into any bird or sea creature with the speed of thought. Risking their lives for the mission and for one another, they discover fear is no match for love.
When you have a granddaughter this sweet and smart, how can you not write a great book for her. I had so much fun changing her into a bird and flying through the jungle, or into a dolphin charging through the waves. I didn't have to change her personality at all. I just wrote her as she is: kind, brave, and ready for fun.
Our heroine, Sophia, climber of trees, rider of waves, avid reader of books, hanging out in Venice.
Copyright 2016